Adolescence is an intriguing stage of development, filled with many physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. At the same time, the increase in academic demands and the complexity of the school structure make the task of academic success for adolescents even more difficult. Parent involvement has been proven to be a very important, positive force in a child's life (Patrikakou, Weissberg, Redding & Walberg, in press). During such a critical and demanding phase of adolescence, one would think that the two most important environments in adolescence development are: the home and school; however, it is the opposite, although it is the truth. As adolescents progress through school, parental involvement declines dramatically (Zill & Nord, 1994). There are several factors that contribute to this paradoxical decline of parental involvement such as, more complex structured middle and high school demanding curricula and few school outreach efforts that involve parents. These declines of parental involvement is just an indication of an underlying decline of parental influence on adolescents. But keep in mind...parental involvement impacts achievement in elementary, high school, and beyond.
It is the policy of the Board of CS Academy of the City of Chicago not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed religion, national origin, age, disability or sex. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated there under concerning sex discrimination should be referred to the Title IX office, CS Academy 6014 South Racine ~Chicago, IL 60636, (312) 675-8691 or (773) 778-0818. Students with special needs and students in bilingual programs are encouraged to apply.
The Federal Paid Lunch Equity Calculation Tool provides guidance on the calculations School Food Authorities (SFAs) must make in order to ensure schools are in compliance with requirements. Please click on the link below to better understand the method in which paid lunches are calculated.